Our Mission
Chilliwack Opportunity Society strives to enrich the quality of life for individuals with developmental disabilities. We provide support so the individuals we serve can participate in all aspects of community living. We strive to enhance lives through community inclusion and lifelong learning, and to maximize independence through individual choice.
Chilliwack Opportunity Society will be integral in creating a community where:
~Full inclusion exists for people with disabilities.
~There is Support through all stages of life.
~Collaboration and partnerships are plentiful.
~Everyone’s gifts and talents are celebrated.
~People see beyond the disability to the abilities.
Purpose and Potential: each person has a purpose in life, the potential to develop and to contribute, and is worthy of achieving a positive quality of life.
Dignity and Respect: each person is an individual, has dignity, and is to be respected to develop positive and trusting relationships.
Voice: every individual has a right to be heard, included, make choices and to have their views listened to within their community.
Rights with Responsibilities: every person has the right to be safe, and to be treated with fairness and equity, but also has important responsibilities to self, family, and community.
Community Responsibilities: communities in which the people we support live, have a responsibility to support, accept and engage all their members and celebrate their potential and citizenship.
Collaboration: the importance of working collaboratively and being active partners in order to access all the community’s resources and supports to achieve the best outcomes for the people supported.
Culture of Innovation and Learning: developing an organizational culture that continually fosters learning, innovation and team; promotes best practices, is evidence informed, and recognises the valued contributions of staff and volunteers.
Accountability: being environmentally, socially and fiscally responsible for the resources and goodwill provided, while acting with transparency and ethics in all we do.