During the beginning of COVID-19 C.O.S. lost a dear friend. On April 18th Maggy passed away. Due to the craziness of adjusting to our new normal, we did not have a chance to do anything special to remember her by. But nonetheless, everyone has missed this very sweet, friendly princess a lot! We have been missing her pretty smile, delicate handshakes, and princess-like accessories and personality.
In Memory of Margaret Arnold
Hi to everyone at Opportunity from Winnipeg MB. You folks have had a difficult year, not even counting the craziness of Covid. Two beautiful ladies have gone to heaven and will celebrate Christmas with Jesus, and DeeDee this year. How awesome is that :) Praying everyone else is remaining healthy and safe...I think of you all so often and wish I could drop in just to say "Hi"
Love each and everyone of you <3 <3 <3